Monday, December 17, 2012

Happy......... Sad

Woke up so happy this morning, still pumped up after the Divas show last night and my beautiful baby girls banquet. I sat down at my computer, flipped on the TV and all I could feel was complete sadness.

Feeling so sad for the families that are still trying to come to grips with the fact that they will never get to see their sweet babies do any of these wonderful things.  As a mother, I don't know how you go on.  Having your sweet child taken from you at that age is unfathomable.  At any age would be devastating, but Elementary school age is beyond anything I will EVER be able to imagine.
So...... as I sit here typing this post, tears are streaming down my face.  Tears of joy that I can hold my own children close and tears of utter sadness for these families and the loss of these precious children.

As for now,  I will be praying so hard that some how, some way that these families will get though this terrible season of their lives and once again be able to feel joy and peace of mind.  As for now, everyone close to them will just have to be strong and LOVE them through this horrific time. Love is truly a powerful thing..........  

Please God, be with these families, their friends, and our nation while we all mourn the terrible loss of these beautiful children.........

Peace and Blessings


  1. Love you Tish.
    All of us moms must stick together and insist on stricter gun control laws and help for disturbed people here in our great country.
    best at the holidays to you and your lovely family.

  2. You know, I agree with you. We have to pray for the families whom lost their children. Because the children are in a better place. They're in heaven. But their parents are still here and can't hold their child, close, ever again. :(

  3. You have a big heart like your family, that is why I love your family, because one of your girls is my role model, Miley is such a sweetheart just like her mommy. You are a great mama, and the best i have ever known!

  4. You have a heart of gold Tish! Love how you feel for these poor familie's who have lost their Children! I feel so sorry for them too :( God Bless you! <3

  5. You are completely amazing! Those words can be named from a good heart..

    Love, from Argentina!

  6. I CAN´T tell you what I feel right now, you are such an amazing woman, wife and mother! I am so proud because of all those sweet words! I am sure they will reach people! I am 23 and I am from Argentina and I have ever been a amiler, THOSE who knows me say that they cant believe the love I feel!! it is something I can´t explain with words! I can only feel it,, and Im 23! I am not a little girl! so I know what I trully love! my boyfriend listens to another kind of music here in Argentina but he is always supporting me and he knows Miley is my life! he waited for me outside RIVER PLATE while I was inside the stadium! hahah .. well all I want to say is tha I am soooo proud of u, and ur goals! I hope I meet you someday!! I know I will!! have faith!! it is my greatest goal and dream!! love uuuu mommy TISH!!! EVER

  7. I so agree with your feelings, I wrote yesterday on my blog a post o this tragedy:
    World is really mad!

  8. Você é uma mulher com um grande coração de ouro Tish. Nós te amamos não só porque você é a mãe de Miley, mas sim porque você é uma grande mulher. Te admiramos tanto. Estamos muito orgulhosos de você, Noah e Miley. Envio a toda nação americana minhas orações. Assim como o Estados Unidos, o Brasil e o mundo estão chocados com o massacre em CT. Todos nós estamos orando pelas famílias vítimas. Amamos você. Continue sempre sendo essa mulher estupenda que você é. Um grande beijo em seu coração. Te amo!! :) BY: @IgorFreitasC

  9. OMG Tish I can't tell you what I feel right now, you are such an amazing woman, wife and mother! You are awesome. Thanks for be you. I love you

  10. Hi Tish,
    Thanks for sharing. I'm so sorry to read about the parents having to go through this terrible loss.
